For researchers studying aging as well as for the rest of the human population, getting inexorably older and feeling none too happy about it,the rules have always been simple, organisms are born, they live a more or less prescribed number of years and they die. If you watch your weight, eat right and get plenty of exercise, you can perhaps negotiate the terms a little, squeezing out a bit more time here and there. But tripling life-spans? Quadrupling life-spans? Eliminating the very idea of life-spans? Not an option. Or so it seemed. But now the rules are quietly being broken. scientists said that the old way of thinking about senescence needs to be challenged. In laboratories around the world, investigators are beginning to suspect, to their growing surprise and excitement, that what works in flies and worms may work for people too. From species to species, genus to genus, the cellular mechanisms responsible for aging appear to be the same.
Armed with that knowledge, a new breed of longevity specialists is beginning to tease out answers to two of the great mysteries of life, Why do we age? And even more important, What can we do about it? The clues are tantalizing. In some research centers, investigators are studying an area at the tip of chromosomes that appears to shorten, fuselike, as we grow older. Extinguish the chemical fire that consumes the fuse, and you might be able to bring aging to a halt. Elsewhere, scientists are studying how the waste produced when a cell consumes food can contaminate its innards, a process that can lead to the bodywide breakdowns we associate with aging. Clean up the cells, and you should be able to buck up the entire organism. Still elsewhere, geneticists are beginning to map the very genes that direct us to get old in the first place. After mapping genes, the next logical step is manipulating them, and once you start reweaving the DNA that codes for life itself, anything is theoretically possible. Most promising of all is the possibility that scientists may someday not only lengthen life-spans but improve them as well.
Researchers are starting to talk about the likelihood of people living well into their second centuries with the smooth skin, firm muscles, clear vision, high energy and vigorous sexual capabilities they once could enjoy only in youth. For human beings, the sea change in aging has been a long time in coming. In the past decade or two, there has been an explosion in new therapies designed to slow the senescence process from melatonin to antioxidants to hormone-replacement therapy to the intrigueing hormonal precursor known as DHEA. Popular as some of these treatments are, what they promise is modest: a few years added here and there, and an increased likelihood that those years will be healthy ones. What the new wave of researchers is looking for is life extension that's not so much incremental as exponential. Not just a year here or there, but a doubling or tripling of human life expectancy. History shows it's possible. In 1900 the life expectancy for a person born in the world was 47 years. At mid-century, it was little better.
After 1950, however, things started to stir. In a single year, subtle improvements in medical care caused the 47 year figure to jump 2%. The next year it jumped another 2%; then another, For four decades, that pattern has roughly continued, a compounding of existential interest that, according to study, has pushed the average life expectancy to nearly 76, with many Americans living well beyond. The people of many Asian nations have experienced similar gains. Indians born in 1983 could expect to live about 52 years; now the average life span exceeds 61. The improvement is most pronounced in
The number of Japanese aged 100 years or more has jumped from 153 in 1963 to nearly more 7,000 today. But what if the medical breakthroughs were more dramatic? If living to the century mark involves little more than riding the demographic wave, how much further than 100 is it possible to go? Is 150 reasonable? 200? What about 300? And if not, why not? The body, after all, is just a machine albeit a wet, cranky, willful one-and, as with all machines, it should be possible to extend the warranty. A Researcher, James Vaupel said there is no evidence we know of that human life expectancy is close to its ultimate limit, if there is an ultimate limit. In the same way that the modem era of genetics research began in 1953 when the DNA double helix was identified, the modem era of aging research is thought to have begun in 1961' when anatomist Leonard Hayflick made an equally significant discovery.
Hayflick had been troubled by the question of where aging begins. Is it the cells themselves that falter, dragging the whole human organism down with them? Or could cells live on indefinitely were it not for some age-related deterioration in the higher tissues they make up? To find out, Hayffick harvested cells from fetal tissue and transferred them to a Petri dish. Freed from the responsibility of doing anything to keep a larger organism alive, the cells did the only other thing they knew how to do: divide. Shortly after they were placed in culture, they doubled their number. Then they doubled the doubling. The cycle repeated itself about 100 most troublesome by-products of this times, until all at once it stopped. From then on, the cells did something a lot like aging. They consumed less food; their membranes deteriorated; and the culture as a whole languished. Hayflick repeated the experiment, but this time used cells from a 70-year-old, and found that cellular aging began much earlier, after 20 or 30 doublings.
The cells from the older human were older themselves. What we were seeing, says Hayffick now a professor at the
The first idea that researchers have explored is broadly thought of as the cellulardamage model of aging. For any complex system-whether it's made of inorganic metal or protoplasmic goo-the mere act of doing the work it was designed to do carries a price. No sooner does the hardware begin operating than its parts begin wearing out and its journey to the junkyard begins. Cells are not spared this fate, and one of the functions that takes the most out of them is the job of processing food. Like all organisms, cells produce waste as they metabolize energy. One of the most troublesome by products of the process is a species of oxygen molecule known as a free radical-essentially an ordinary molecule with an extra electron. This addition creates an electrical imbalance that the molecule seeks to rectify by careening about, trying to bond with other molecules or structures, including DNA.
A lifetime of this can lead to a lot of damaged cells, which may produce a range of disorders, including cancer and the more generalized symptoms of aging like wrinkles and arthritis. In recent years, some nutritionists have advocated diets high in fruits and vegetables containing carotenoids; substances that act as antioxidants by sopping up free radicals and carrying them out of the body. But antioxidants have an uneven record. In some studies they seem to be associated with a dramatic reduction in cancer or other diseases; in others, some antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, actually seem to be associated with an increase. In either event, few contemporary aging researchers think self medicating at a salad bar is the best way to extend the human life-span. Far more promising might be new research into another by-product of cellular metabolism: glycosylation, or what cooks call browning.When foods like turkey, bread and caramel are heated, proteins bind with sugars, causing the surface to darken and, in some cases, turn soft and sticky. In the 1970s, biochemists hypothesized that the same reaction might occur in the bodies of people suffering from diabetes, as excess glucose combined with proteins in the course of metabolism.
When sugars and proteins bond, they attract other proteins, which form a sticky, weblike network that could stiffen joints, block arteries and cloud clear tissues like the lens of the eye, leading to cataracts. Since diabetics suffer from all these ailments, the biochemists guessed they were right. But joint pain, circulatory disease and poor vision sound an awful lot like the symptoms of aging. Was it possible that as the cells of nondiabetics metabolize sugars, the same glycosylation process might take place, only much slower? The idea that the geand tragedy of aging and dying might be nothing more than a body-wide process of caramelization was humbling, but more research provided still more proof. Studies of the collagen sac between the brain and skull in diabetics and the elderly turned up brown pigment characteristic of advanced glycosylation.
The glycosylation process is like the free-radical process, says Dr. Robert Butler, head of the
An alternative to changing the way cells process nutrients is giving them less to process in the first place. Studies have shown that rats whose caloric intake is 30% lower than that of a control group tend to live 30% to 40% longer. In humans, that would translate to a spartan diet of just 1,400 calories a day in exchange for 30 extra years of life. Just how this business of swapping food for time works is not entirely clear, but George Roth, molecular physiologist with the National Institute on Aging in
Cold and hungry is no way to go through life, but the condition has rewards. When metabolism slows, all its attendant processes do too, including cell division. Since, as Hayffick discovered, the number of divisions is limited, animals that go through them slowly may be able to save a few away for later in life. Roth, who has already observed the life-extending effectiveness of caloric restriction in rodents, is conducting similar experiments with primates. Even if they succeed, however, trying to apply the treatment to humans could prove dicey, especially for Americans. In a nation of consumers for whom caloric belt tightening can mean little more than a smaller serving of French fries with their bacon cheeseburgers, the belief that people would be willing to reduce what they eat by a full third is probably unrealistic.
Roth finds this frustrating, I think caloric restriction could take us beyond a life-span of 80, he says, maybe even 120. After all, you rarely see a fat centenarian. Given dietary habits, it may be more practical to find out what part of the metabolic system caloric restriction affects and then imitate that action pharmacologically. Essentially, explains Roth, we'd use a pill to trick a cell into thinking less food is coming in. Even if Roth succeeds, the impact of his work may be limited. In the world of anti aging, caloric reduction is essentially maintenance, little more than patching holes in a slowly sinking ship and hoping you can stay ahead of the water it's still taking on. What senescence researchers really want is a way to get down into the body's engine room-the genes themselves-and rebuild things from the boilers up. Remarkably, it appears there may be a way. Although he made history when he discovered the limits on cell replication in the lab, Hayflick left a question unanswered: why the cells die. In the years following his work biologists mapping human chromosomes looked for a gene that enforced cellular mortality, but found nothing. One thing that did catch their eyes, however, was a small area at the tip of chromosomes that had no discernible purpose.
Dubbed a telomere, the sequence of nucleic acids did not appear to code for any traits. Instead it resembled nothing so much as the plastic cuff at the end of a shoelace that keeps the rest of the strand from unraveling.But weren't completely inert. One thing they almost always appeared to do was grow shorter. Each time a cell divided, the daughter cells it produced had a little less telomere to play with. Finally, when the cell reached its Hayflick limit of 100 or so replications, the telomere was reduced to a mere nub. At that point, the cell quit replicating. Once it did, researchers theorized, the genes previously covered by the telomere became exposed and active, producing proteins that triggered the tissue deterioration associated with aging. While most every cell in the human body exhibited telomere loss, a few didn't. Among those spared were sperm and cancer cells-just the cells characterized by their ability to divide not just 100 times, but thousands. The next step for scientists was obvious: study the cells with little or no replication limit and find out what mechanism kept their -and their lives-so long.
In 1984 molecular biologists Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn, then with the
Two biologists Calvin Harley and Greider are trying to find out looking for the genes that direct telomerase production, beheving they might be able to manipulate them so that the spigot for the enzyme can be turned on and off at will. I think we are going to see fundamental medicines for aging, Harley says. With a pill, with cell therapy, I think we may be able to treat aging in very specific areas. Of course, telomerase therapy has obvious problems. Dosing tissues with precisely the enzyme that helps turn healthy cells cancerous strikes many skeptics as less than a life-extending brainstorm, and even advocates of telomeres therapy don't pretend that such treatments could yet be considered safe. Moreover, how easy it would be to manipulate the telomeres gene in the first place is an open question, since merely locating it among the 100,000 or so we carry in each cell can be a mind-numbing job. But even as Harley begins his search, other genes implicated in aging have already been flushed out of hiding.
At the
To prove this, he will create a strain of mouse that carries a mutant helicase gene so that he can learn how the enzyme works, and more important how it can be manipulated Depending upon what Schellenberg learns from these mice, it might be possible to sidestep genetics and simply use helicase boosters to slow aging in both Werner's patients and healthy people. Running parallel to Schellenberg's work are studies being conducted at the New York State Institute for Basic Research into the more devastating Werner's like disorder known as progeria. People suffering from progeria grow old precociously too, but at a much faster rate; they are claimed by the infirmities of age in their 20s or teens. W. Ted Brown, chairman of the Institute's Department of Human Genetics, believes that progeria, like Werner's, is triggered by a single mutated gene.
That genetic miswiring may spur activity in the countless other genes that play a role in aging. Understanding all the genes, says Brown, will help us understand aging in general. The problem facing any scientist trying to find a genetic lever on the aging process is the sheer number of genes involved. Geneticist George Martin at the
The enzyme would turn on for a few weeks, change the expression of cells and revert them to a younger profile. We wouldn’t have to treat the whole body. Still other researchers are using what they've learned about and the other cellular mechanisms to attack the diseases that keep the very old from becoming still older. Researchers at Geron Pharmaceuticals recently published a study in which telemerase RNA was used to block the enzyme in a cancer culture, leading to whitering of telomeres and the death of the non – longer so profile cells. Elswhere, investigators are looking into using the anti caramelization drug pimagedine to help clear arteries and improve cardiac health. Remove hearth disease from the constellation of late illnesses, and you add three years to the national life expectancy.
The detection of a gene that seems to confer protection against Alzheimer's disease may help treat yet another scourge of the aged. While none of these therapies would take human beings anywhere near the tripled and quadrupled life-spans achieved in fruit flies and nematodes, they could at least improve our life expectancies-the number of years even our shortened and caramelgummed cells would allow us to achieve if illness: did not claim us first. For much of the time our species has been on the planet, that figure is thought to have been a mere 20 years barely long enough for contemporary people living contemporary lives to move out of their parents' home. The fact that those lives now routinely exceed 80 years is a monumental achievement. A little more progress in studying telomeres, glycosylation and other aspects of senescence science, and researchers like Butler believe there's no reason today's adults could not realistically hope to see 120. For people dreaming of immortality, that prospect may fall a little short. But for those of us who are contemplating a life that ends around age 80, four or five additional decades sounds like a splendid first step.
Telomeres are DNA sequences that cap chromosomes, protecting them the way a plastic cuff protects a shoelace. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres of its daughter cells become shorter and shorter. After about 100 replications, the telomeres are dramatically reduced, and the cell can no longer reproduce.
Inside the mitochondria of cells, normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules known. as free radicals. The molecules ricochet around the cells, damaging DNA and other structures.
Excess sugars can bind with proteins, forming a sticky, weblike coating. Over time, the buildup of this substance can stiffen joints, block arteries and cloud clear tissue.
If you're serious about fighting the aging process-and a regimen of exercise and low-fat food isn't doing it for you-plenty of self-styled remedies are available by prescription or at health-food stores. None of them will make you any younger. Some should be taken only under a doctor's care. Some might actually do some good.
PROMISE. Responsible for growth spurts in teenagers, hormone also restores lost muscle mass and redistributes fat cells in the elderly.
REALITY CHECK. HGH is expensive more $20,000 for a year's supply and has been shown to trigger such serious side effects as diabetes and heart disease.
PROMISE. A proven natural antidote for insomnia, this hormone is also being investigated as a stress reducer and anticancer agent.
REALITY CHECK. Take too much melatonin (more than.5 mg) and you could feel groggy the next day. The hormone may lessen the side effects of standard chemotherapy, but the jury’s still out on that.
PROMISE. The theory is that by boosting levels of this precursor to the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone- levels of which fall off with age-you can reset your body's internal clock and fool it into thinking it is decades younger. Enthusiasts claim DHEA gives them more energy, restores muscle tone, boosts their cognitive abilities and perks up their libido.
REALITY CHECK. No evidence exists that the hormone either slows aging or reverses it. Mice treated with DHEA do tend to act younger and friskier, but it's hard to extrapolate these results to humans. And there is a theoretical danger that taking DHEA could confer a greater risk for developing prostate or breast cancer.
PROMISE. By scooping up "free radicals" before they can damage cells in the body, antioxidants like beta-carotene could help stave off cancer, heart disease and other agerelated illnesses.
REALITY CHECK. Clinical trials have produced conflicting results. One study showed that beta-carotene supplements can actually increase the risk of cancer and heart disease for some people.
There is something terribly smug about the way Westerners talk of modern medicine, as if nothing of value was discovered before the 19th century, when Louis Pasteur identified microbes as a main agent of disease. But the general public is more open-minded than the medical establishment, and in recent years people all over the world have sought alternative medicines, especially, from traditional Chinese practitioners who have been accumulating wisdom for thousands of years. Chinese experts offer many remedies for the ravages of aging-medicines that can improve the quality of life, even if they do not greatly increase potential longevity. Some ingredients, like ginseng, have been used for centuries, while others, such as the enzyme SOD, have been identified only recently. Of the wealth of alternative tonics, probably none has been subjected to the kind of rigorous scientific testing that would satisfy, say, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But traditional medicine boasts millions of satisfied customers who believe in its efficacy. And as any student of the placebo effect knows, belief in a drug goes a long way toward insuring its success.
Superoxide dismutase, widely known as SOD, is an enzyme that occurs naturally in the human body and, among other things, helps the functioning of the nervous system. Extra doses of the chemical, it is believed, can retard the constant loss of brain cells, which are not replaced as a person grows older. Hundreds of daily tonics, including the best-selling Yi Shou Bao, contain SOD, but the key ingredient is missing in many fake products. Buyers should stick to reputable medicine shops.
A root that comes in Asian, American and Siberian varieties, ginseng is touted for everything from enhancing sex to prolonging life. A more realistic assessment is that ginseng helps keep blood pressure under control by acting on the adrenal -lands. It is often taken daily as tea or in pill form.
Like many traditional medicines, this extract from the leaves of a japanese tree is promoted as a brain tonic. Taken in capsule form, it purportedly improves memory and fosters clear thinking. Another claim is that it enhances blood circulation by preventing the hardening of arteries.
Made from mushrooms, this remedy is said to cure fatigue, relieve asthma, improve digestion and boost sexual stamina. More credible are claims that it bolsters the immune system and helps the liver remove toxic substances from the blood. It is often recommended to people with a family history of cancer.
Also called huang qi or milk-vetch root, astragalus is ground into powder or cooked in soup. It is known for boosting the body's energy, which the Chinese call qi, thereby relieving stress and fatigue, The root is also said to be good for the lungs, warding off coughs and colds.
Also known as gamma linolenic acid, it is most often extracted from the oils of primrose, cherry kernel, walnut and fish. It supposedly protects brain cells by helping to eliminate excessive fat and sugar from the blood. San Ming Yang Sheng Wang is a favorite potion containing this drug.
Futurists like to speculate about the means by which we may defeat the aging process (and a few cryonics shops have already started taking orders). Some antiaging technologies have a basis in science; they also have a long way to go
PROMISE. By freezing the entire body-or, to save storage costs, just the head and brain-cryonicists hope to preserve a patient who has died until a time when physicians will be able to thaw and repair the frozen tissues, cure the disease that caused death, and then bring the person back to life.
REALITY CHECK. Preliminary animal studies show that some tissues (rat hearts, for example) can be cryopreserved and then revived in spite of the extensive damage that freezing does to cells. Whether these techniques will work for entire organisms, especially ones that have ceased living, is not clear. Even so, some 60 people in the U.S. have paid to have their bodies-or at least their headspreserved indefinitely.
PROMISE. With continued progress in microminiaturization, scientists who believe in nanotechnology - technology that operates on the molecular, or nanometer, scale-predict that we will someday be able to build microscopic devices that will be injected into the body to fight disease at the cellular levelexcising tumors, say, or cleaning out clogged arteries.
REALITY CHECK. Microsurgery, which replaces the surgeon's hands with probes and scalpels, has yet to become routine, and its smallest tools are still hundreds of times as large as a nanotech machine. Even if the tools can someday be radically shrunk and mounted onto robots the size of a molecule, patients might balk at the idea of invisible, artificially intelligent machines roaming around inside their body,
PROMISE. Is it possible to lengthen life by extending the within every cell of the body? In his new novel, Holy Fire, science fiction author Bruce Sterling describes just such a procedure. His heroine, a 95-year-old woman with lots of disposable income, gets a complete cellular makeover in which new genetic material is spliced onto the ends of each chromosome. Result: a posthuman, twentysomething.
REALITY CHECK. To operate successfully on all the body's chromosomes, doctors would have to penetrate each cell without killing it-something that has never been done with today's most advanced techniques. Even if scientists learned how to break and then repair the bonds that hold our cells together, there is still no evidence that extending would result in longer life.
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